When my husband gave me my bread maker, on
our fifth anniversary I was so excited! He barely saw me after that. He started to
think he needed visitation rights! I read the instructions telling me to use
special flour and special yeast, and I saw how much the pre-packaged mixes were, and I was
quickly unhappy with what I saw. I have experimented with the recipes since then and have
discovered two important things. This collection contains great bread maker advice
as well as the following recipes:
Traditional White Bread Mix, Potato Bread Mix, Garlic-Herb Bread
Mix, Onion Bread Mix, Parmesan-Pepper Bread Mix, Whole Wheat Bread Mix, Crunchy
Wheat/Honey Bread Mix, Multigrain Bread Mix, Pumpernickel Bread Mix, Russian Black Bread
Mix, Apple-Spice Bread Mix, Cinnamon-Raisin Bread Mix & Oatmeal Bread Mix and this
also includes my second collection:
This second collection of bread
maker mix recipes contains so much more than just recipes for bread. In the pages of
this book, you will find alternatives to many standard bread recipe ingredients, as well
as many unique recipes to add to your current collection. Don't own a bread maker? No Problem! This booklet contains instructions for converting
bread maker recipes for standard baking! Want to use your standard recipes in your
bread maker? This collection contains this as well as the following recipes: