Dinners &
Pastas Stacked in Mason Jars!
Make your own
thoughtful homemade gifts in a
snap! Set of 25+ DINNER RECIPES you can artfully stack in Mason
jars. This gift is as beautiful as the results are hearty. These recipes are so
easy, economical, and creative your friends will just adore your cleverness. The
best part is you can say it was your ideal! Most recipes simply require adding
Homemade Chili Mix in a Jar, Homemade
Dinner 'Helper', Pasta
Soup Mix in a Jar, Au
Gratin Potatoes Mix in a Jar, Pizza
Potatoes Mix in a Jar, Caramel
Popcorn Kit in a Jar and More!
You may
want to give your friends more than one jar because this is a gift that is
ALMOST more fun to display than use. SHIPPING IS FREE AND IMMEDIATE upon
payment, as we have made this information available on-line and have taken the
time to make sure it prints nicely so that you can place the recipes in a three
ring binder. These
are well thought out recipes and took a full week to perfect.
Homemade Chili Mix in a Jar
Martha's Soup Mix in a jar |
Layered Soup Mix in a jar
Creole Seasoning Mix |
Dinner 'Helper' |
Minestrone Soup Mix |
Complimentary Dried Bean Mix |
Instant Stuffing Mix |
Soup Mix in a Jar |
National Bean Soup Mix
Gourmet Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle |
Herbed Rice Mix |
Gratin Potatoes Mix in a Jar |
Bean & Pasta Soup Mix
Basic Sauce Mix For Potatoes
Bean & Rice Soup Mix
Potatoes Mix in a Jar
Cinnamon pancake mix jar in a Jar
Potato Soup
Turkey Noodle Soup Mix
Turkey Noodle Soup Mix |
Popcorn Kit in a Jar
Best Buttermilk Biscuit Mix
Crockpot Carrot Cake
Curried Rice Mix
Mix in a jar